White Jersey Giants at 14 Weeks

So it has been about 14 weeks since we received our Jersey Giant chicks from the hatchery.  It is amazing how quickly they have grown.


The White Jersey Giants we ordered as a straight run, so no idea whether we have pullets or cockerels.  With our other chicks it has been pretty clear by this age what gender they are.  It has been difficult to see the differences with the JG chicks.

One week it seems one has a larger comb or more color in the wattles, then a day or two later that all changes and they look the same.

This week I noticed the tail feathers.  A couple of the chicks have tail feathers that appear to be just a little bit longer and curling downward making me think cockerel.

But, it is a rainy day today, something we have not had much of this summer.  I can’t help but wonder if the rain is having an impact on those feathers.  The mystery continues.

Our suspicions are that we have two of each.  Time will tell.

Liz Zorab of Byther Farm on YouTube inspired us with her Jersey Giant rooster, Big White, to give this breed a try.   Every now and again, she shows a glimpse of Big White and some of the rest of her JG flock.

This breed takes a long time to mature, so it may well be a while before we know

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