Trimming the Apple Trees

The apple trees were about 18″ tall when we planted them. Six were originally planted, with the idea of making an espalier apple tree fence. Of the six, three have survived and grown pretty well. Since they were unattended most of their first years, the trees had a rough start without regular watering and of…

Getting Started

Here it is, January all ready. Finally getting moved in and mostly settled, we decided it is time to start directing our attention to getting the garden started. While our goal here is raised wicking style garden beds, getting started as quickly as possible leads us to going with more traditional rows in the ground.…

Raised Bed Gardening

I’vd been studying on raised bed gardens and such. Not so much bending over, better control over weeds and critters, soil adjustments, and so forth. Started last year with an attempt at bucket gardening. I had some success, herbs did the best. Biggest problem was water, just could not water frequently enough during the day…

New Fruit Trees

Planted some new fruit trees this week. 2 Moonglow Pears Big, bold, blushed fruit. This beautiful, Bartlett-type pear is soft and juicy but never mushy. The tree is blight-resistant and will bear fruit for years. A strong pollinator for other pear varieties. Ripens in mid August. O Henry Peach large fruit with red-blushed yellow skin;…

The Fruit Trees Still Growing

The trees look pretty good. There is evidence of critters eating the leaves – caterpillars specifically. The cherry tree on the south west corner of the prayer garden area is doing pretty well. It is substantially taller than the other tree and now stands a little over six feet tall. Below, is the cherry tree…