Chicken Coop Overview
Views: 92
We updated our Youtube channel In order to better fit what we are doing on our place, we changed the channel name to Figs Pigs and Feathers. Yes, that’s right. We have added pigs to the mix. Fig trees and a host of others have and will be added to select locations on our property,…
New Chickens for the New Year December 12th 2018 our first batch of new chicks hatched. Hoover Hatchery shipped them out December 15th. It was an order of 20 hatchery choice egg layers. These chicks are the first of several orders intended to rebuild our flock following the devastating mink attacks. No. It is not…
End Of The Year – Assessment So What do you think? Not a particularly great way to end the year. 2018 was a decent year all in all. There were plenty of eggs to be collected and shared. Lots of entertainment, and perhaps most important for us on our little patch in the woods, is…
More Mink Attacks, and a Dog Attack November 2018 was a treacherous month in the chicken coop. The mink came back for multiple attacks, particularly during the several days over the Thanksgiving week when we were out of town travelling. In the additional attacks, the mink managed to kill 55 of the 57 chickens in…
Wow! What a Killer! It was the night before Halloween. We noticed some commotion going on in the chicken coop on the coop ip cameras. When the particular camera was selected it was clear we had a problem. I headed down to the coop as quickly as I could get my boots on and get…
White Jersey Giants at 14 Weeks So it has been about 14 weeks since we received our Jersey Giant chicks from the hatchery. It is amazing how quickly they have grown. The White Jersey Giants we ordered as a straight run, so no idea whether we have pullets or cockerels. With our other chicks…