Roosters – Not Hens

When we purchased our chicks from the local farm supply this past Spring, the chicks were advertised as pullets.  Down in the fine print somewhere I am sure was a disclaimer about the actual sex of the chicks.  As the chicks grew, some had some real personality.  One of the Ameraucanas we named Clover, because…


Time to Bloom

  March is here. So comes the wind, big swings in temperatures, and blooms on the trees. Seems first around here is the Bradford Pears with their white flowers. Closely behind this year I see the wild plum, sassafras, redbud, and dogwoods. Guess I didn’t recall the sassafras trees blooming out before.   Hyacinth, daffodils,…


New Chickens

A trip to the local Orshelns farm supply today and the pick a chick fest had begun. A total of 15 chicks were selected. 5 Black Laced Silver Wyandottes 5 Plymouth Barred Rocks 5 Ameracaunas Our original thought was to order from Cackle Hatchery, but we did not appreciate how far in advance we should…
